After me and my group member brainstormed a few initial ideas to use in our own film trailer, we constructed a questionnaire to receive feedback on what would be the best techniques to use for producing a successful media trailer and aiming it at our target audience.
What gender are you?The general feedback to this question was a mixture of the two which is good as we are aiming our product at both genders. This also is good as we know both boy and girls took the questionnaire and therefore we are gaining feedback on what our target audience would want to see.
What Age group are you in?The majority of people who took the questionnaire were aged 18-26 which again is ideal as then me and my group member can clearly work out form the questionnaire what our target audience specifically want to see as we know that our target audience are the majority of people who took the questionnaire.
Do quick noises (such as screams, thumps etc.) help to build up tension in a horror trailer?The majority of people who took the quiz answered yes to this question and therefore i will definitely use this technique in my own trailer.
Which characters do you feel would be most effective in a horror trailer as the victims?After looking at the results from the questionnaire the majority of people voted that they feel having two girls as the victims in a horror film is more affective. Therefore i will make sure i use to girls for the victims in my trailer.
What types of music helps to build up drama for you in a horror trailer?Most people decided slow paced music which then builds up into fast paced climax which is the one i intended to use anyway. However several people also said that music with heavy pulse beats would also be effective, therefore i will now try to find a song which includes a slow pace at the start and as it starts to fasten the dramatic heavy beating music is also played.
Do you prefer editing at a quick pace or slow?For this question half the people chose slow and half slow fast. Therefore for my trailer i will try to incorporate both types of editing.
Does dialogue help you to follow a trailer better?Surprisingly for this question the majority of people picked no for this question. For my own trailer i was intending to use dialogue as previously shown in my initial ideas however seeing as it seems my target audience do not find these easy to follow i will try to use a less dialogue in my trailer as possible to avoid confusion.
Do captions help you to follow a trailer better?Most people chose yes for this question which again has forced me to change my original idea of using dialogue to help make the trailer and what is happening more understandable and use captions instead, as understanding the trailer and what is happening is essential as the audience what to understand what is happening to make them want to go and see it.
What is the main element that excites you in a horror trailer?I felt this question was very important as making the trailer exciting for my target audience is essential in making it successful. The majority of people voted that lots of flashes if the main scary character and a fast paced escape is exciting for them. Therefore i will make sure i try to incorporate these scenes as best possible.
After analysing the audience feedback from what they would most like to see in a horror trailer video, me and my group member will use this information to choose our final ideas for our trailer and ensure it is as successful in attracting our target audience as possible.